The Story Behind Promise House of Grenada Promise House is a “home in the heart” …not a brick-and-mortar building, perhaps it may be in the future, but as we launch our nonprofit, it will be a nonprofit of service. Regardless of the location, in every community there are people who need assistance from time to time. Business layoff’s, personal economic issues, and health issues arise, regardless of how prepared we are …life happens. No one could have imagined or been prepared for all that we witnessed with the first time we heard of an illness called Covid 19. During the pandemic with lockdowns and socially distancing many questions arose on how to continue with daily life. How would the homebound get their medicine when loved ones could no longer come to deliver the medications? How would we gather our groceries when being told to “stay home?” When lunch programs had to close due to the restrictions of gatherings, what options were available? Children trying to learn online but many needed one on one teaching assistance. All activities for youth and after school had to be suspended, limiting the normal engagement of children with others. The challenges of 2020 and 2021 that everyone endured demonstrated the urgency for more services to be developed for communities all across America. Promise House of Grenada will strive to organize a volunteer base to “stand in the gap” for our community when needed. As we grow, our vision is to add tutoring and youth activities. Promise House of Grenada will be a resource not only in times of crisis but for everyday life.

Curtis Hardy

CEO & President

Brenda Bridges Hardy

Co-Founder & Executive Director